Hi. In the generation of the application in the advanced options section you have a button to open the application manifest editor. There you must add that permission. Rubénby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Hi, after more than a month and a half of exchange of messages and examples with the technical service of PcSoft I have confirmed that there is indeed a problem with the applications generated by WM24 and TargetSDK:28 on Android 9 devices (required by Google since this August for the publication of applications in their store). In particular (at least in my case, I don't know if there are otby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Hi, read this Android 9 need a new permission to use no secure http conections. Rubénby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Excuse me, after so much time seeing your message I forgot it was for WD. I thought it was for WM as in other messages. I'm sorry. Try this other one You can call .NET from WD. Greetings Rubenby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Hi. Try with this You can create a global Java procedure with the code and call it to convert the text string. Rubénby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Hi, PCSoft response on the problem of PersistenThreads use in Android 9 and TargetSDK:28. A new permission has yet to be assigned in the application manifest. At the moment it is necessary to add by hand the permission "android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE". Currently no response to problems using HF in Android 9 with TargetSDK:28 Edit: PCsoft response to Android 9 and TargetSDK:by Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Hello, WM23 is no longer compatible with the requirements of the Google App Store: a) 64-bit libraries (not available for WM23) and b) Use of TargetSDK:28, in this second case you can change it in the manifest, but I don't think the WM framework libraries work. c) In my case the problem is the use of WM24 libraries with TargetSDK:28. They cause errors in Android 9 (32 and 64 bits).by Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Hi. It's weird. I have tried to add an OLEDB table to a WM project and the first thing it does is to warn me that only HFSQL and SQLlite are supported by WM. How did you import the Excel file? Maybe the problem is there. Rubenby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Hi, did you correctly define the default page name in the "Documents" tab? When you type only the domain name is the name of the page you will be trying to display. On the other hand in the configuration of the path of the website, if it is a site with a single language you can point it to the language folder, that way only the domain will appear in the browser, without showing the lby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Hi. Have you tried using UrlEncode like I told you? It has an option to encode Unicode characters from the Url: "encodeURLFromUnicode: URL format. The encoded text only contains characters allowed in a URL. The text to encode is a Unicode string." Rubenby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Hi, you're talking about HFSQL and OLEDB mixed with WM. Should the data be on the device or on a server? If they must be on the device I don't understand why you use OLEDB. If they must be on a server with HFSQL you can't access with WDMAP, you must use your own HF server to update the data. If you have correctly defined the HF server when you update the application analysby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Hi. Without further information it is difficult to know where the problem is, but I believe the following: a) The Url should not be in Unicode. If it has special characters use instead the UrlEncode function to prepare the Url. b) Whoever sends the text in Unicode understands that it is the internet service you are using, not your program, so you should not send it as Unicode. A greetingby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
You cannot use the internal windows in a Looper in WM20 or WM23. It is a new WM24 option. Rubenby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Hi. I just tested it on WM24 and it works correctly. The trick is to use an internal window for each line of the Looper. To the internal window you pass the values as parameters. Also the size of the HTML control adjusts to its content. Rubénby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Hi. Are you sure the Looper doesn't support HTML control? What version of WM are you using? Rubénby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Well, I think it's easier to use a Looper for that. Rubénby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Hi. First point is not working for me. If i set the TargetSDK to 28 then the HF functions finish with errors in 64 bits devices with Android 9. They works fine if my TargetSDK is 26. I sent time ago a sample to PCSoft support. Rubénby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Hi. The MZ control return the line pushed on the code event "Selection (click) on line of MZ" SWITCH MZ_Control CASE 1 // Line 1 CASE 2 // Line 2 CASE 3 // Line 3 ... Rubénby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
For me the problems with SDK 28 continue. Rubenby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Hi, I think this tool is good and easy to use to consult the logs generated by the apps. Rubénby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Hi. I answer to myself. Today I made new tests with the applications that had problems with the WM240075t version. I think I have found the reason for them. In the IDE the default option to select the version of the SDK that will be used to compile the application. I have the SDK updated to the most recent version. The IDE puts in the Manifest application in android:targetSdkVersion=28. Thatby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Hi. Are you sure it's "import android.util.List;"? I think the right thing to do is "import java.util.List;" Greetings Rubenby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Hi. For me the application that uses HF works correctly. However the problem is with Android 9 Arm64, not in Android 4 Arm(32) for example. When the application closes the logs show errors, and if the application reopens when it closes and shows a message on the screen indicating that the application still does not work. Errors occur when calling the HCreationIfNotFound or HModifyStructure functiby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Hi. Version Wx24_75t ready to download ;P Rubénby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
The 75f is the French version in level one verification (previous version). In the FTP they have already created the 75h version folder, but do not have download files yet. Greetings Rubenby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Hi Gunter, I know, I use it often. I just mentioned his particular case of 350MB per photo. I don't think it's very efficient to store or retrieve images with those sizes. Rubénby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Hi Stefano. Your problem is precisely that the images are stored as decompressed, so it increases the size so much. You should read the image in its original state (as it is on the disk) with fLoadBuffer and store that buffer in the memo field of your database. In any case I don't know if storing 350 MB images in the database will be very efficient because in order to use them you wilby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Hi. I think it's completely normal. dLoadImage is used to load the (uncompressed) image into memory. So you were saving exactly the same information that you see when loading the image, but without compressing it according to the type of image file. Rubénby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Hi. You can ask for it here . Maybe you must ask for the english version. Rubénby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Hi. Have you tried hiding or deleting lines and making them appear again? By doing so they are not displayed correctly. Rubenby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum