Hi, I just tried the same example I sent to PCSoft and the problem continues in WM24. When lines are hidden from the looper some of the lines are not shown correctly, and when the lines that were hidden are shown again there are times that some lines do not appear again. The effect doesn't seem as visible as in WM23, but it still happens. A greeting Rubénby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Hi. You need to check your Gradle installation. He's not finding some of the libraries he needs to run. Rubénby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Hi, you can import in Windev .NET libraries, then the IDE generates a list with the functions included in those DLLs to be able to be called from Windev. Rubénby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Hi. In Android only the current window continues to work. If you need to do something in the background you should use a Thread Persistent to execute the code that should keep running in the background. Rubenby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Hi. From the first moment I saw the new version 24 of Webdev I noticed that had been changed the templates for the generation of web pages in Responsive mode that had existed in previous versions. They were not a big deal but they facilitated the initial generation of templates for web models. I don't understand very well why the change has come since the ones that have been put in WB24 donby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Hi. The patch is for 240042H internal version. Have you tried the latest published version 63m to see if the error is corrected in it? For me the last version 63m is less stable than the prerelease 54v... The application closes frequently but does not generate framework error as before. Thank you Rubénby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Hi. Is that correction public? Rubénby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Hi. Look at this Rubénby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Hi. I told PCSoft in December 2017. Hiding or deleting lines causes the rest of the lines to redraw badly. They confirmed the problem and passed it on to the developers team. No answer since then. Rubénby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Thank you, Stefan. That's how I had it also defined until now, but that complicates a lot the management, makes the application slower and consumes more memory to have several internal windows active. At the moment I'm already using independent windows. I have modified the hierarchy of the different windows. So I can better define which window calls which other. Rubénby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Hi. I've tested an app that uses a lot of windows, quite a few of them internal. The device runs Android 9 and has 3 GB of RAM (Xiaomi A1). My experience opening several apps and reselecting them from "Recent Applications" has been: 1) My app doesn't show errors when selecting it again, but it is true that the app loads again (splash window, etc). 2) That same behavior hby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Thanks for the answer. I have not yet found an acceptable solution. I tried to close the prededent window from the current window but in some cases the program shows an error. So the only solution at the moment is to eliminate the calls to common menu options, thus forcing the user to close the current window before being able to use another menu option. In other tools like B4X you can call thby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
In my application, I use in some cases the Use function to close all IOS windows when opening a window. What is the method for doing this in IOS? Thank you very much. Rubenby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Good morning. I just published an example on the PCsoft website. Currently WM does not support the new European GPRD for the use of ads in applications. I have indicated to PCSoft the existing problem, and continue waiting for their answer, so I have finally implemented it myself. WM displays ads without taking into account the new privacy standards required by the European Union. Google hby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Hi, you can use the "Popup Menu" option of the "GUI" tab of the button. You can select there the menu that should be displayed. Rubénby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Hello, in theory when you select the project option "automatically select the system language when starting the application" the page loaded is in user system language. Look at Rubénby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Hello, since Android version 5.0 (Marshmallow) the request of permissions to the user are in runtime, not for the content of the Manifesto. So for compatibility with previous versions must be defined in the Manifesto and if Android is >= 5 must use the acceptance of permissions at runtime. Unfortunately WM20 is not prepared for this and must be done in Java code. Look at Greetingsby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
hi, look at Limitations Android and Android Widget Only the hNativeAccessSQLite constant is available for Android. I've been using HF on Android for a while now without a problem. In Android 4.4 to 8.1 without problems. But my connection is defined in the Analysis. Why do you need to define the connection by code if that connection is going to be in the same device?by Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum
Hi, Fabrice. I refer to the 2 options included in WM23 for the generation of applications: 1) String Encryption 2) Application code obfuscation. Logically I understand that both processes are performed by the IDE with the help of Proguard, which is included as standard in the Android SDK. Greetings Rubenby Rubén Sánchez - WinDev Forum