Hi, is the network share excluded from the virus protection? Regards. Stefan.by stefan.kern - WinDev Forum
Hi Alexander, EUR 120,00 is very fair. I would like to purchase Regards Stefan.by stefan.kern - WinDev Forum
Hi, I do it in a simple way. I have a table in the database which stores the current database version. Each EXE contains it's required version in a variable. After starting the programm it compares the version which is required by the exe with the version of the current database. The "Alter table" statements are also stored in the exe. For each version step I run the reby stefan.kern - WinDev Forum
Hi, I am not a pentesting expert, but I use sometimes Greenbone. Greenbone is an easy to use pentesting tool available in different versions (free community version, enterprise and cloud version). Greenbone generates some reports and as far as I know you can ask the Greenbone Supporteam to help to analize this reports (against a fee). Regards Stefan.by stefan.kern - WinDev Forum
Hi Steven, I was using live update several years ago, and discovered similar problems. I did my own "live update" using a soap service. It took me about 1 or two days to program that, but now I am independant from that PC Soft Black Box. And: If you do it yourself you can implement your own features, like Lincence control (time limited test version, version with reduced functiby stefan.kern - WinDev Forum
Hi Willy, you do not need to turn off the firewall - and If you do 100 years in hell close to the fire are not enough You need to open 4900 and 4996 and it should work. For security reasons I wouldrecommend using a VPN. If you do not want to use a VPN I would configure the firewall of both servers to acept only traffic of the other from their IP. So: inhouse Server is IP 1 Remote Serbeby stefan.kern - WinDev Forum
Hi Paolo, thanks a lot. I was not able to check on the production machines as I have always to ask for the customers IT for that, and it is more easy to get an appointment with the pope then with their IT. But I was able to reproduce the error using the WD CLIENT VERSION parameter. Thanks a lot! You saved my day.by stefan.kern - WinDev Forum
Hi @ all, I have a WD App using MySQL as database. The WD App runs on windows platform. I moved a existing MySQL database from a Windows Server to a Linux Server as the custumer got new hardware. I run into trouble doing this: I would like to share this experience, might be this will be helpfull for someone else in this forum: First I got a native SQL error claiming that the SSL Settiby stefan.kern - WinDev Forum
Hi ISO, I had a similar job a few years ago and I did not manage to get it working in a relyable way. As far as I know the OS (both, iOS and Android) reduce the activities of apps running in the background. Even Backgroubndtaskadd() will not guarantee that it is executed every 15 Minutes. The OS can reduce the number of calls depending on battery charge level and other factors. From thby stefan.kern - WinDev Forum
I assume that windev like any other software product has security gaps. But due to their low distribution, they are probably less known than other products. I think security flaws in products like C # or SQL Server etc. are known in the evil community, but who cares about Windev? Regardless of that, I think it's a question of the infrastructure. If your network is well secured, a securby stefan.kern - WinDev Forum
Hi Jp, any Mac should be sufficient, I used to use a Mac Mini. But it is expensive to buy a Mac for 1500+ EUR only for compiling. Have a look at , there you can rent a fully legal virtual Mac for USD 20,00 / month. Regards Stefanby stefan.kern - WinDev Forum
Hi Pao, I read that SQL Injection is not possible if you use following SQL Statement: Mysql is string="select address,zipcode from person where name={usedname} myqry.usedname = name_from_form hexecutesqlquery(myqry,mysql) Can you yonfirm this? Regards Stefan.by stefan.kern - WinDev Forum
Hi Marco, what I do as add in: every Service writes in every servicloop executed a timestamp in a textfile. Then I have a "watchdog" service with checks: - is the service running, if not it trys to start the service (ServiceState(), ServicStart(), ServiceStop()) - is the timestamp too old (service seems to freeze) it restarts the service. I implemented this years ago in a veby stefan.kern - WinDev Forum
Reply from tech support: Bonjour Monsieur KERN, Use this link to download the requested upgrade for WinDev Mobile 26 version interne 260101D: This upgrade includes: - \programs\framework\android\wd260android.aar (7,25 Mo) - 26.0.308.0 - \programs\framework\android\dep\depfmk.fic (640,07 Ko) - \programs\framework\android\dep\depfmk.mmo (354,71 Ko) - \prby stefan.kern - WinDev Forum
Hi Marco, just because im curious: are there printing features in the service? what kind of user do you use: admin ? regards Stefan.by stefan.kern - WinDev Forum
Hi Marco, does the service STOP or does it FREEZE? Is there anything in the window event log? A service is not allowed to do any gui interactions, so I would check first wheather there is a info() or trace() or something like that. If you use printing functions you need to change the user context, as the standard user used for services (in german NT Authorität) is not allowed to print.by stefan.kern - WinDev Forum
Hi @ all, reply from PC SOFT: Hi Stefan, Thank you for the feedback. My testings confirm your description. The problem has been forwarded to our developers. Incident reference is 123 546/566409, please use it when you contact us on this subject. I'll keep you posted. Have a nice weekend. The Free Technical Support is entirely at your service. Patrick PHILIPOT Free Teby stefan.kern - WinDev Forum
Hi Forum, I discovered a Bug in WM Android. I have an Android Application, which crashes when the device language is set to "turkish". The device crashes when exeuting a query. I installed the WM Android Inventory example on the Android device ... and it crashes ... another error message, the App can not find a procedure. Question: Can you guys check your Android projects if thby stefan.kern - WinDev Forum
Hi @ all, I had the same issue here, and solved it like that: I distribute two additional EXE with my appplication, they are called callMapi32 and callMapi64 and are compiled in 32 or 64 bit If I want to send an e-Mail using emailRunapp (and it should also work with outlook) I do following: The main app creates a XML File containing all information I need to send the mail (to Adress,by stefan.kern - WinDev Forum
Hi Argus, thanks for the reply. The customer wants to host it on an existing webspace, that's why I considered PHP Mode ... Will do it in WB Mode ... or might be in "real" PHP ... let's see Thanks Stefan.by stefan.kern - WinDev Forum
Hi @all, I have a question: A customer is asking for a new web based project .... it is not very complex, it is a kind of web based data entry with the posibility to upload documents, I think in total there will be 4 or 5 pages. I wonder wheather I should do it with WB PHP mode. I tried aWB PHP some years ago with WB15 and skipped it, as it had to much limitations and some unexpected behaby stefan.kern - WinDev Forum
Hi Steven, I do it in that way: I have a SOAP Webservice hosted on a server. This Server holds different Versions as patch or MSI package in a database. Most updates work as patch. Then each app after start sends its current exe Version to the soap server, and the soap server can respond with different values: - There is no need to update - There is an update available - There is aby stefan.kern - WinDev Forum
Hi Arie, have you ever thought that your server might be attacked? Have you checked the Server Logfile? Regards Stefanby stefan.kern - WinDev Forum
Hi Paolo, this is very interesting. I do not have a solution, but I am very interested in IT security. I read an article about password managers a few days ago. They have the same issue, they store the passwords well crypted in their database, but the master password for their database is available in memory, so that an attacker would be able to open the database an extract all the passwordby stefan.kern - WinDev Forum
Hi JP, this is a correct behavior. Android as well as iOS do not have modal windows. Have a look at the "closing the child window" event of the calling window. Put the code you want to have executed after closing the window into this event. Regards Stefan.by stefan.kern - WinDev Forum
Hi all, I have an app (iOS / Android) developed in WM24 (but I need to update to 25 soon). In this App the user can take a photo of a document (delivery receipt). This photo is converted into a PDF and uploaded to a server by using soap services. I did this using the cameracontrol and functions of WM. Now I saw this tool, which is much more professional: I wonder, wheather it is posby stefan.kern - WinDev Forum
Hi, there is something wrong in your config .... I have several webservices which go throug 443, and port 80 disabled on firewall level .... That works ..... regards Stefan.by stefan.kern - WinDev Forum
Hi Robert, I also use the smallest layout and work with anchors. This works pretty good, I think you are doing something wrong. Might be you can upload a sample project into a cloud? Regards Stefan.by stefan.kern - WinDev Forum
Hi Robert, I can say nothing about GraphQL, but if you ask wheather to use soap or rest: I think it is not relevant regarding HIPAA or other security regulations. Both are stable and secure, if they are properly implemented. It is up to you, to ensure that only the "allowed" data are transmitted, that there is a proper access management to avoid that unauthorized users connect tby stefan.kern - WinDev Forum