Hi Arie and thank you for the reply I followed your suggestion in the registry until "\MyApplycation" after that I got lost because you are advising me to add "authenticated users" with reading rights. In the registry the only Option if I right Click is "New" So if I Highlight New I get the following popup menu with the following Items 1. Key ------------by MPD_For_Life - WinDev Forum
Hi Peter, I just check and it looks like the mapping is correct. Please take a look at the picture in the attached file. May you have another suggestion? Thank you Best regards, Carlosby MPD_For_Life - WinDev Forum
Sorry Peter, I assume we are talking about the IIS Manager tool. Let me take a look at it and get back to you. Thank you again Best regards, Carlosby MPD_For_Life - WinDev Forum
Good morning Peter and thank you so much for the quick reply. I am trying to figure out where do I need to go to check this mapping. Can you be so kind as give me north on where to go to check these mappings, please? I googled it however, I can't get an idea where to go to check this. Thank you, Sir. Best regards, Carlosby MPD_For_Life - WinDev Forum
This may help you, however, I do not know if is going to work or it is what you need. You need to create the variables // Connect to the database $connection = hConnectToSQLite("mydatabase.db"); // Define the SQL query $query = "SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE id = ?"; // Define the parameters for the query $params = array(1); // Execute the query $result = HExecuby MPD_For_Life - WinDev Forum
Hi All and thanks in advance for all your help. I have created a dynamic web app in WEBDEV 24 within my app I have an AWP page, this page is called when the user does not interact with the site, for example, went to the bathroom for a while. Here is my problem, when I run my site on my development machine, this page displays fine, however, as soon as I install it on my production servby MPD_For_Life - WinDev Forum
Hi Piet I want to thank both Piet and Argus for the Help. It really helped me save lots of time.. Here is the link to the Help File on how it's done A remark.: For those who want to implement this feature Please read in full. To those implementing the association of the Pages When you first drag and drop the Desktop Page, the Mobile Table will create a Red Empty Record, yby MPD_For_Life - WinDev Forum
Hi Piet, Thank you for your reply and suggestion, sorry I took a little vacation and away from my PC. let me look into it. Thank you again. Best regards, Carlosby MPD_For_Life - WinDev Forum
Thank you so much Argus for your reply, You mean that when the user type my website address from a mobile device, instead of going to the desktop page it goes to for example a Page named "Page_Mobile_Main_Page"?, and when the login is from a desktop, it automatically goes to a Page for example named "Page_Desktop_Main_Page"? If this is what you mean, then that does notby MPD_For_Life - WinDev Forum
Hello and Thank you in advance for the help. The below Javascript code helps me identify if the user is opening my application from a mobile (Android, I-phone, etc) device, or from a Desktop via a web browser. I have a button on my main page named BTN_Open_Mobile_Main_Page, this button if clicked opens a page that adapts to the mobile device in the same Browser Tab replacing the Main Applicby MPD_For_Life - WinDev Forum
Good Morning Thank you Argus Your suggestion worked. Thank you!!! Best regards, Carlosby MPD_For_Life - WinDev Forum
Good Morning Argus. As always thank you so much for all your help. My page is not a Static Page. Once the user clicks on the logoff button anywhere in the application, it redirects the user to the main page which is the First-page (The Login Page.) That page only contains code in the Login Button which is the button that connects the user back into the application. So I hope yourby MPD_For_Life - WinDev Forum
Hello and thank you so much for the Help in advance. Using WebDev 24 Can anyone share some code on how to disconnect the connection from the WEBDev server when the user clicks on the LogOff button in the Web Application? This is what I mean I have an initial Login Page, the user opens the browser logs in, and do its thing on the application If we go to the WEBDev Administration toolby MPD_For_Life - WinDev Forum
Got it Thanks again so Much Paulo I thought that I had to do it on the Server Machine where the Webserver Application was. So that this will help others this is what I did 1. Did a Search for WD240ADMIN.EXE Because I am Using Version 24 so you replace it with your version Number 2. After Opening the WEBDEV Administration 24 Tool 3. Click on the Configuration Tab 4. Under the Managingby MPD_For_Life - WinDev Forum
Thank you for your fast response and Help. Any specific Place in the webdev administrator? Thanks Regards Carlosby MPD_For_Life - WinDev Forum
Hello and Thank you in advance for the Help. Using WebDev 24 How can I prevent this Error? Error: Request Time Out (90 Seconds). (22, ERR_TIMEOUT_REQUEST) Am performing a While Loop which it takes about 6 minutes to finish. And before my loop finishes, I always get the error Please see the attached Picture. Thank you for your Help. Regards, Carlosby MPD_For_Life - WinDev Forum
Good afternoon Argus. Thank you so much for the quick response and help. I will try this and let you know. Agin, Thank you Best regards, Carlosby MPD_For_Life - WinDev Forum
Good afternoon And Thank you in advance for the Help. Using WebDev 24 In My Application, I have Page One and Page Two Page Two is kind of heavy in controls and query Performance etc. This Page (Page Two) when called from Page One, it opens in a separate New Browser Tab the problem I am having is that Page Two when called, it takes about 10 to 15 seconds to fully displaying for the useby MPD_For_Life - WinDev Forum
Hi There Is the Table hooked to a query or direct to a file? If it is a query then make sure the query is well structured (Built) If it is to a File make sure the indexes are well structured and you don't have many records in the table. Also, check if the table has direct access or Memory access. Hope it helps. Perhaps someone else has a better answer. Regards, Carlosby MPD_For_Life - WinDev Forum
Ooops, Sorry to break the bad news. That sounds like a glitch. I had the same issue with Version23, and I guess after a bunch of upgrades it fixes itself. That's why for now I am stuck with Version 24 until everything goes back to normal. Remember, and I am almost sure about this, PXSoft, probably don't have the same technical personnel as before. I am sure that they will keepby MPD_For_Life - WinDev Forum
Hi, Try opening Windev or WebDev before anydesk, because remember PCSoft in watching that you do not share your copy via a Remote desktop via the dongles Regards, Carlosby MPD_For_Life - WinDev Forum
Totally agree with that answer. But if you post the query here, maybe someone with lots of query knowledge can see what you don't see. Regards, Carlosby MPD_For_Life - WinDev Forum
Hi Paulo, Thank you for the help. Peter was kind enough to provide me with a piece of code that worked out what I was looking for, however, I never came across this document that you provided me in the link, which looks very good and I will read it so I can have a better understanding for the future. Thank you both for the help. Much appreciated. Best regards, Carlosby MPD_For_Life - WinDev Forum
Hi Peter, This sample code worked perfectly. Thank you so much for all your Help!!!!! Hope that your code helps others greatly as well. I added to your code the following to convert the date and time to a better reading outcome so that others have a better understanding. Trace(DateToString(SQLRes.MSSSDate, "MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM")) Again Thank you so much Best regards,by MPD_For_Life - WinDev Forum
Hello everyone and Thank you in advance for the Help I have this stored procedure inside a Microsoft Sequel Database which gets me the Date and Time of the Server. Name of the Procedure: Get_The_Date_And_Time Structure of the Procedute CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.Get_The_Date_And_Time AS BEGIN /* Procedure body */ DECLARE @Date_And_Time as date SELECT Date_And_Time = GETDATE(); ENDby MPD_For_Life - WinDev Forum
Hello everyone and Thank you in advance for the Help I have this stored procedure inside a Microsoft Sequel Database which gets me the Date and Time of the Server. Name of the Procedure: Get_The_Date_And_Time Structure of the Procedute CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.Get_The_Date_And_Time AS BEGIN /* Procedure body */ DECLARE @Date_And_Time as date SELECT Date_And_Time = GETDATE(); ENDby MPD_For_Life - WinDev Solutions