I wanted to add a
Full-Text-Index to a 'Customer' file. Finding instructions for Full-Text-Index / Search in the WinDev 14 Help is difficult. No Help entry there !!
1 - Adding the Index to the file went OK. There is a button near the table of the file items.
2 - A restructure of the file to the new file layout failed, leaving a defective file. <<<===
3 - So, for the sake of a test I decided to start off with an empty file.
4 - HCreation(FileName) fails as long a the file exists physically. <<<===
5 - HCreation(FileName) works as long as the physical file
does not exist in HFSQL-server
6 - HDeleteFile(FileName) does not work in HFSQL-Server ('Lock error')
I removed the Full-Text-Index because it is practically unusable !
Bug reported to PC Soft. Let's see how long it takes them to fix this one .. USBFind(DriveLetter, ..) still does not fully work after some years ..