How to Run a MS SQL Store Procedure and get the Value from it to a Variable
February 09, 2021 02:32AM
Hello everyone and Thank you in advance for the Help

I have this stored procedure inside a Microsoft Sequel Database which gets me the Date and Time of the Server.

Name of the Procedure: Get_The_Date_And_Time

Structure of the Procedute

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.Get_The_Date_And_Time
/* Procedure body */
DECLARE @Date_And_Time as date SELECT Date_And_Time = GETDATE();

The result of the Procedure if executed is the following:
Under the Column Name "Get_The_Date_And_Time" The result is the Following

2/8/2021 8:10:19 PM <-------- This is the Date and Time of the Server when the stored procedure is Executed

My question is: How can I run this store procedure from within WinDev or WebDev and put the result in a Variable, for Example varServerDate.

I have tried different things HExecuteProcedure() This does not work with ODBC Connection
I Have tried with HExecuteSQLQuery Get errors
I have tried SQLExec got errors too

Nothing works

I would really appreciate it you can give me a hand on this and perhaps a code Example can be provided since I have no clue where to start.

Thank you so Much

Best regards,

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/09/2021 02:43AM by MPD_For_Life.
Re: How to Run a MS SQL Store Procedure and get the Value from it to a Variable
March 20, 2023 10:56PM
Hi we use that all the time. It is not realy complicated. I will see If I can get you some code . I can not copy past as the software is commercial stuff. ok

It is quite easy so no worries . I will get back at you as i will have to look at the source and make a bit of code for you ( none tracable to hou software . Ok



PS PCSoft help should be able to help you out as well
Ok here goes,

You make a new connection and execute it see below:

datasourcemyprocedure is Data Source

if hopenconnection( your connectionvar) then

IF HExecuteSQLQuery(dsMyProcedure,"MyConnection", hQueryWithoutCorrection, "dbo.sp_yourstored procedure @o_RKey out") THEN

//.o_RKey out is the variable you are gettting out of you sp
the key = dsMyProcedure.o_RKey out

Hcloseconnection(your connectionvar

Re: How to Run a MS SQL Store Procedure and get the Value from it to a Variable
August 22, 2023 12:29PM
Hey there!
If you have any queries about the store procedures of ms sql then you can check in to the official website of ms sql.

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