Hi Allard, I heard he downgraded his dongles, so no WX dongles for you or me.by AadG - WinDev Forum
Hi Peter, Is your offer still available? Best regards, AadGby AadG - WinDev Forum
Hi Heinz, I tried to avoid your solution, but I think this the only way (for me). It worked by the way. There a few others that already suggested this method. Thanks to you all for your input. Aadby AadG - WinDev Forum
I use C/S. hChangedir doesn't solve the problem. The keyfield is the problem. Both files have the same keys in use, so if do a hAdd in the second file in the other map, the key alreay exists and cannot be overwritten. (Duplicate error)by AadG - WinDev Forum
Hi Infos, I followed the advice Argus gave me above, because I used this before. See the screenshot of the fields used. The filename is TSUsers.fic. So records from a TSUsers file from one directory need to be added to a TSUsers file in another directory (map) Thanks for your trouble. Best regards, Aadby AadG - WinDev Forum
Hi Peter, I can't get it to work. Both files have the same AutoID's, so if I add a record form FileA to FileB, the AutoID's are clashing. The 2 files have the same name. I use hAlias to overcome the same name issue. Grtz, Aadby AadG - WinDev Forum
Hi Peter, Thanks for your tip. I will try that. With hCopyrecord each record is copied with all the fields. That is what I need. Like I said, the key is in the way, I will read the Helpfile about hForceAutoID. Regards, Aadby AadG - WinDev Forum
I managed to make a procedure that does what I want with hCopyrecord(), but................ The two files have the same ID's in use, so I can't hAdd a record to the second file without a hDuplicate error. I have tried several parameters that are given in the Helpfile, but no luck. Does anybody knows a workaround? Regards, Aadby AadG - WinDev Forum
Hi guys, Thanks for all your input. I will look into all the offered solutions. Best regards, Aadby AadG - WinDev Forum
Hi Peter, Thank you for you reply, I'm not into SQL, so I need a coding solution I know there is a SQL tool somewhere in Windev. Can I use this somehow? Best regards, Aadby AadG - WinDev Forum
Hi all, I'd like to put the records from one file to another, so make 1 file from 2 files with the same layout. Does anyone know if there is a special approach to this? Also indexation will be done automatically to the appending file or to the new file? Thanks for any tips. Best regards, Aadby AadG - WinDev Forum
Hi MIchael, Like I said. we have no password of the physical server, so we cannot reach this the normal way. I was thinking that there was another way to reach the HFSQL server and maybe copy data from there in the hope that backdoor port was not blocked by the firewall of the physical server. Best regards, Aadby AadG - WinDev Forum
Hi Michael, Thanks for your reply. I'm familiar with porting for HFSQL. We have a server running HFSQL, but we have no passwords, so we cannot reach the data, because we don't know on which port it is running. WE we wondered if there is a backdoor to reach the HFSQL server. Port scanning did not bring a solution. Best regards, Aadby AadG - WinDev Forum
Hi all, Port 4900 is the standard port for the HFSQL server. Is there another "hidden" port that we can use or is there another way to reach the server when you don't know which port it's on. Thanks for any help. Best regards, Aadby AadG - WinDev Forum
Thanks guys, I will try out your several options. Best regards, Aadby AadG - WinDev Forum
Hi all, I use a memory table where I can sort the columns by clicking in the columnheader. I can fix the sort by "Store the sorts". When I use tabledisplay(Table,X) the sort is disturbed and the original index sort is restored. Does anyone know if this is normal behaviour and it is not possible the restore the tablesort or do I need a special parameter or function. Best regardby AadG - WinDev Forum
Hi Derek, A few years back we tried to do what you want. We installed Windev on a inhouse server connected to the internet. With a normal dongle we ran several simultaneous sessions on that server with every session it's own Windev started. From the outside several users (username) could login their account (session RDP) and run one copy of Windev simultaneously with other users. Notby AadG - WinDev Forum
Hi Infos, Like I said in my last sentence. I'm looking for the password of the whole database, not a single file. See Vassilis'answer. Thanks anyway for your good intention. Best regards, Aadby AadG - WinDev Forum
Thanks Vassilis, found it and it works. Strange thing is, that when you change the password let's say in 10 characters, it works ok. When I want to change it back to empty there are 3 dots in the passwordfield, so that makes it a little confusing.by AadG - WinDev Forum
Hi all, I'm looking for a way to change the HFSQL password for connecting to a database. The default login is Admin and the password field is empty. In the Help I cannot find anything about changing the empty password field. I'm not looking for changing the password of a file. Kind regards, Aadby AadG - WinDev Forum
Thank you Heinz, I'm going to try this out Best regards, Aadby AadG - WinDev Forum
Hi Paulo, I tried your suggestion, but can't get it to work, so I must be doing something wrong. Do you have by any chance a working piece of code that I can integrate. How do you make your HTML-file with an image included. The editor I tried was Word, but I don't think thats's the best option. Best regards, Aadby AadG - WinDev Forum
Hi all, I'm trying to get a logo into the Email.HTML function. When I click on the *.html file the browser opens and everything looks OK. When I use the Email.HTML function the logo drops from the email. I respect all the paths, so that cannot be the problem. Any ideas? Best regards, AadGby AadG - WinDev Forum
I made a small example and modified a record in an existing table and put in a codeline hTrack(Order,DetectModi, hRecnumall,hsModification) when the record was saved. Procedure DetectModi starts up and shows the message that I put in the procedure, i.e. File Order has been changed by John on 05/05/2022, 11:45. This line can be added in a kind of logfile. I only tested hsModification. Best regaby AadG - WinDev Forum
Hi Guenter, I did read the Help first, but it says nothing about the use of it. So I thought when hTrack "sees" a deletion, a procedure can be started to add info to a logfile (user etc) or am I mistaken by the meaning of the Help file text. In this way there can never be a discussion of who deleted a record. Best regards, Aadby AadG - WinDev Forum
Hi all, I read something about hTrack. Does anyone use this function and for what purpose. Is it useable for tracking a users behaviour? Best regards, Aadby AadG - WinDev Forum