Hi. I will explain it with a example. On a browsing table based on a query wich has a order by date clausule:
---the bug---
1. You check "automatic browse" search item is "name"
test: the table is sorted by name
1.test. Now you check "programmed browse"
test: the table is sorted by name
---the bug confirmed---
2. You check "automatic browse" search item is "surname"
test: the table is sorted by surname
2.test. Now you check "programmed browse"
test: the table is sorted by surname
3. Now you go to the "modifier" pane (on the optional panes), and just delete the value of "browsed item"
3.test the table is sorted by date, as defined in the query.
José Antonio.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/10/2013 10:00AM by Jose Antonio Garrido.