Luiz Menezes
Filter Range in Tables (Between)
October 08, 2009 11:34PM
It was very usefull if we could Filter a Range in Tables.

Filter Value >= x and Value <= y.

Filter Date >= Date1 and Date <= Date2.

What about the BETWEEN command in the native options of filtering in Tables. Each of them could be a source of information for Periods and Value Ranges.

I have sent this suggestion to PC Soft 2 years ago, and they said this could be very usefull and will be implemented. But came Version 14, and now Version 15 and I did not see in the "505 Nouveautés".
Luiz Menezes
Re: Filter Range in Tables (Between)
August 22, 2012 11:05PM
Waiting for V.18.
Re: Filter Range in Tables (Between)
August 23, 2012 07:47AM
Hi Luiz, use HFilterIncludedBetween(..) - it's there since version 9 !! Guenter

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