Exchange Rate RSS (XML) Parsing November 20, 2008 01:11PM |
glocalbReqResult is boolean glocalsTempstring is string glocalsTempcurrency is string glocalsTemprate is string glocaliTempcount is int glocalcTempChar is character // Initiate the HTTP request glocalbReqResult = HTTPRequest("[www.currencysource.com]// Are we ok to continue? IF glocalbReqResult = True THEN // Move the resulting XML to the edit control for review on the window WEDIT_XML_View = HTTPGetResult() // Create a document based on this XML before we can begin XMLDocument("ExRates",WEDIT_XML_View) ELSE // Can't find the XML! Info("The requested data feed cannot be located!") RETURN END // Look for the first 2 title tags and ignore them as they are just headers XMLFind("ExRates","title",XMLTag) XMLNext("ExRates") // This is the first "real" title tag with a country code and rate XMLNext("ExRates") // Loop to process the rest of the tags WHILE XMLFound("ExRates") // Move the current title tag data to a work variable glocalsTempstring = XMLData("ExRates") // Get currency code from the XML (it's in a fixed position) // This will be used later to read the country/currency table glocalsTempcurrency = Middle(glocalsTempstring,9,3) // Get exchange rate from the XML - it's enclosed in brackets, we need to parse char-by-char // Set the parse start point and clear the temp rate variable glocaliTempcount = 14 glocalsTemprate = "" // Loop to extract the exchange rate - it's variable length // Parse the XML title data tag contents from tempcount (=14) 'til we reach the ")" bracket - this is the end of the rate data WHILE Middle(glocalsTempstring,glocaliTempcount,1) <> ")" // Save the character we are currently processing to avoid keep using the Middle function glocalcTempChar = Middle(glocalsTempstring,glocaliTempcount,1) // Ignore commas when parsing - they're not good when moving directly to a numeric field IF glocalcTempChar = "," THEN glocaliTempcount++ ELSE // Not a comma, so append the next digit to the exchange rate glocalsTemprate = glocalsTemprate + glocalcTempChar glocaliTempcount++ END END // Now that we have the exchange rate, read the country table based on the currency code HReadSeek(Country,cCurrencyCode,glocalsTempcurrency) // Set the country/currency exchange rate Country.nCurrencyRate = glocalsTemprate // Set the Last Updated Timestamp Country.dtCurrUpdated = DateSys() + TimeSys() // Modify the country/currency file with this new exchange rate HModify(Country) // Get the next country/currency as (in my implemtation) there are likely to be several countries using this currency (e.g. Euro) HReadNext(Country,cCurrencyCode) // Okay to continue? IF HFound(Country) THEN // Enter a loop to process countries using the same currency and drop out of loop when the currency changes WHILE Country.cCurrencyCode = glocalsTempcurrency // Set the exchange rate Country.nCurrencyRate = glocalsTemprate // Set the Last Updated Timestamp Country.dtCurrUpdated = DateSys() + TimeSys() // Modify the country file with this new exchange rate HModify(Country) // Get the next country/currency as there are likely to be several countries using the currency (e.g. Euro) HReadNext(Country,cCurrencyCode) END END // Continue processing by finding the next title tag XMLNext("ExRates") END // The end... XMLCancelSearch("ExRates") XMLClose("ExRates")
Re: Exchange Rate RSS (XML) Parsing December 11, 2008 09:31PM |
Re: Exchange Rate RSS (XML) Parsing December 12, 2008 05:52AM |
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Re: Exchange Rate RSS (XML) Parsing December 12, 2008 01:28PM |