Testing with delayed info / error?
January 23, 2023 05:25PM
I have a program that sends data to the internet. When it gets the response, after some time, it will confirm or present an error message. When I build a test for that program, windev seems to be too impatient, saying the program wasn't closed by the test or the expected info / error window didn't show up. Is there a way to tell windev to wait for that to come up?

Even better: is there a way to log the messages during tests, so that I can see them directly after running the tests (without writing to a file etc)
Re: Testing with delayed info / error?
January 23, 2023 05:50PM
Hi, there are plenty of commands to ...

Multitask [help.windev.com]

You could use a while - end loop to wait for a response and you could introduce a Timer to break the loop if it's a 'time out'
WHILE MyResponseVariable = ""


Kind regards,
Guenter Predl
Re: Testing with delayed info / error?
January 24, 2023 02:40PM
So you mean, I should add (for example) your WHILE-loop in the automatic test?
Re: Testing with delayed info / error?
January 24, 2023 04:15PM
Hi, a WHILE-END loop is just a suggestion ... what to do if the response time is regularily short but once in while the response takes a very long time? If you do a Multitask(..) and wait a long time, your program wuill be sloow ...

Kind regards,
Guenter Predl

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