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External editors TinyMCE

Posted by infos 
External editors TinyMCE
April 01, 2019 12:25PM

Has someone used external editors like TinyMCE or the like within the WebDev application.

If there is any tutorial, it would be good to come

Re: External editors TinyMCE
April 01, 2019 03:49PM
You can find one sample in the PCSOFT online repository for windev maybe it can help you.



Paulo Oliveira
Re: External editors TinyMCE
April 02, 2019 01:31PM
Thanks Pao

Nothing specifically has been described


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/02/2019 01:51PM by infos.
Peter Holemans
Re: External editors TinyMCE
April 03, 2019 08:40AM
Hi Infos,

I used to use ckeditor in webdev…
Some JS to define the toolbar and behaviour and the inclusion of the js program in the page properties.
That was it.


Re: External editors TinyMCE
April 03, 2019 05:10PM

Can you split an example of how you did it?
Can you send me the code, how do you link the html code with the wlanguage code?

mail: infos.pilot@gmail.com


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/03/2019 05:12PM by infos.
Peter Holemans
Re: External editors TinyMCE
April 09, 2019 11:33AM
Hi Infos,

I'll look it up when back in my office on an older project. No WX at hand here and still only using it an irregular basis…
It is a multiline edit control if I recall correctly that you link ckeditor to with the js script. Next it will post its content with this control into a memo field in the db. Will post it here.


Peter H.
Re: External editors TinyMCE
April 09, 2019 09:40PM
I use XStandard in my Windev app but it could probably be used in WB as well.

Peter Holemans
Re: External editors TinyMCE
April 10, 2019 10:43AM
As promised here are the basic steps:
- Download CKEditor
- Make it part of the PROJECT_WEB folder in your project (e.g.: xxx\PROJECT_WEB\ckeditor)
- In the page description on the advanced tab add the base js library to the External Resources Tab (e.g.: xxx\PROJECT_WEB\ckeditor\ckeditor.js)
- In the Load (OnLoad) of Page (Browser) I have the following WL code:
//Set local variables
	BrowseFileUrl, BrowseImageUrl are string
	TextFieldHeight is int = EditTextHTM..Height
//Set URL's for file handling	

//Set minimal height
IF TextFieldHeight <= 0 THEN TextFieldHeight = 365 

//Declare CK Editor

//Execute resize

- The AddCKEditor() is a browser side global JS procedure that is being called and that will hook up the EditTextHTML control to the CKEditor js library and configure what should be in teh toolbar or what ckEditor add-ons need to be loaded. Here's the code
function AddCKEditor(fieldID, fieldHeight, fieldColor, fileBrowseURL, fileImageBrowseURL, fileFlashBrowseURL)
	//Older codes:
	//{ name: 'insert', items: [ 'Image', 'doksoft_image_embed', '-', 'Table', 'HorizontalRule', 'SpecialChar', 'PageBreak' ] },
	var editor = CKEDITOR.replace(fieldID, { 
		skin: 'moono-lisa',
		removePlugins: 'elementspath',
		extraPlugins: 'doksoft_image,doksoft_preview,doksoft_resize,doksoft_image_embed',
		allowedContent: true,
		height: fieldHeight,
		language: 'en',
		uiColor: fieldColor,
		filebrowserBrowseUrl: fileBrowseURL,
		filebrowserImageBrowseUrl: fileImageBrowseURL,
		filebrowserFlashBrowseUrl: fileFlashBrowseURL, 
		filebrowserWindowWidth: 1000, 
		filebrowserWindowHeight: 720,
		font_defaultLabel: 'Arial',
		fontSize_defaultLabel: '10px',
		toolbar: [
		{ name: 'clipboard', groups: [ 'clipboard', 'undo' ], items: [ 'Cut', 'Copy', 'Paste', 'PasteText', 'PasteFromWord', '-', 'Undo', 'Redo' ] },
		{ name: 'editing', groups: [ 'find', 'selection', 'spellchecker'], items: [ 'Find', 'Replace', 'SelectAll', 'Scayt' ] },
		{ name: 'insert', items: [ 'Table', 'HorizontalRule', 'SpecialChar', 'PageBreak' ] },
		{ name: 'links', items: [ 'Link', 'Unlink', 'Anchor' ] },		
		{ name: 'image', items: [ 'doksoft_image_embed', 'doksoft_image', 'doksoft_preview', 'doksoft_resize' ] },
		{ name: 'image', items: [ 'doksoft_image_embed' ] },
		{ name: 'tools', items: [ 'Maximize', 'ShowBlocks' ] },
		{ name: 'document', groups: [ 'mode', 'document', 'doctools' ], items: [ 'Source' ] },
		{ name: 'basicstyles', groups: [ 'basicstyles', 'cleanup' ], items: [ 'Bold', 'Italic', 'Underline', 'Strike', 'Subscript', 'Superscript', '-', 'RemoveFormat' ] },
		{ name: 'paragraph', groups: [ 'list', 'indent', 'blocks', 'align', 'bidi' ], items: [ 'NumberedList', 'BulletedList', '-', 'Outdent', 'Indent', '-', 'Blockquote', 'CreateDiv', '-', 'JustifyLeft', 'JustifyCenter', 'JustifyRight', 'JustifyBlock', '-', 'BidiLtr', 'BidiRtl', '-', 'Link', 'Unlink' ] },
		//{ name: 'styles', items: [ 'Styles', 'Format', 'Font', 'FontSize' ] },
		{ name: 'styles', items: [ 'Font', 'FontSize' ] },
		{ name: 'colors', items: [ 'TextColor', 'BGColor' ] },
		} );

- Next there's also a resizing JS script I use to manage it's resizing capabilities. Maybe that's no longer needed when in html5.
function DOMResize()

Hope this gets you going !


Peter Holemans
Re: External editors TinyMCE
April 10, 2019 01:00PM
Peter Holemans

Thank you very much

I'll try as soon as this example for you, thank you



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