Michael Drechsel
Row Display in Table
April 15, 2008 12:15PM

I have a Table where some rows are shown as bold depends of an variable.
The code is located in the Row Display section of the table.

In some cases (many rows) this code is not executed. Any Ideas ????

Greetings MD
Michael Drechsel
Re: Row Display in Table
April 15, 2008 12:29PM
I thing, its tabledisplay with "tacurrentselection". If I don´t use this parameter, everything its ok.
Re: Row Display in Table
April 15, 2008 01:40PM
Hello Micheal,
I use the tabledisplay with the tacurrentselection all the time check your condition for the change.

//Set the color of the font for each row of the table
nRow is int = CurrentSubscript()

IF nRow > 0 THEN
IF NOT Table.COL_Comp_Status[nRow] THEN //
Table[nRow]..Color = DarkGray // Inactive calls
Table[nRow]..FontItalic = True
Table[nRow]..Color = Default // All others
Table[nRow]..FontItalic = False


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