Carlo Hermus
Taskbar March 17, 2008 07:55PM |
Re: Taskbar March 17, 2008 10:13PM |
Moderator |
Carlo Hermus
Anyone know how to calculate the height of the taskbar and where the taskbar is docked?
Fabrice Harari
Re: Taskbar March 17, 2008 10:56PM |
Re: Taskbar March 17, 2008 11:47PM |
Moderator |
Fabrice Harari
Hi Everybody...
I didn't test, but I'm wondering what the result of this method will be on a system where the taskbar is autohiding?
Best regards
Carlo Hermus
Re: Taskbar March 18, 2008 12:05AM |
Paulo Oliveira
Re: Taskbar March 19, 2008 02:07PM |
Carlo Hermus
Re: Taskbar March 20, 2008 07:01PM |
Peter van Vuuren
Re: Taskbar March 21, 2008 10:19AM |
RECT is structure nLeft is int nTop is int nRight is int nBottom is int END APPBARDATA is structure nCbSize is int nHwnd is int nUCallbackMessage is int nUEdge is int APBRECT is RECT nLParam is int END ABM_GETTASKBARPOS is int = 0x5//&H5
ABD is APPBARDATA API("SHELL32.DLL","SHAppBarMessage",ABM_GETTASKBARPOS,&ABD) //Trace("right "+abd:APBRECT:nRight) //Trace("left "+ABD:APBRECT:nleft) //Trace("top "+ABD:APBRECT:ntop) //Trace("bottom "+ABD:APBRECT:nBottom) Trace("height "+(ABD:APBRECT:nBottom-ABD:APBRECT:nTop))
Carlo Hermus
Re: Taskbar March 21, 2008 02:38PM |