In version 27 the private store is mentioned. where can I find it . where is the source code ? I have webdev / windev etc cannot find it in examples or as a starting point of a project So Where is it or how does it work . regardsby Allard - WinDev Forum
Hi Maybe bit late but strato has best buy for tyour bug in my honest opinion 8 or 9 euro for 4gd ram 200 / 300 gb space. Complete control Windows lisense included. link to stratoby Allard - WinDev Forum
try strato My costs are 9 euro and I that has not changed Iam using it for 5 years or so 200GB space 4gb free ssl etc Full control over everything really cool for testing app server etc And you can easily scale up if you needby Allard - WinDev Forum
Hi I created a get and a post and having issues with post First The get works great just url with 2 params ==> url/name/emailadres It runs some logic and returns what I need The problem The POST If I test it inthe test page that is generated it works if I try to caal ifrom windev is says 404 not found My code : x is string httpReq is httpRequest httpReby Allard - WinDev Forum
Hi Sorry I have been looking but I could not find my old webdev project. I remember that there is not an organizerdisplay() function sutch as there is for a table control ( tabledisplay(). This would be a logical function to just reload the organizer. So I dit an organiserdelete() on all appointments and then adding the appointments again based on a query. More like with a table contrby Allard - WinDev Forum
Hello Do you mean the intranet example ? Honolulu? This thing is working with an outdated verry costly Polling manner. It drains resources I have gotten a webservice example from jerom from pcsoft. However Now Iam not sure websockets is the way to go . Sockets are a complete different protocol and not needed if you just want to push something to a client I found server side events Sby Allard - WinDev Forum
Hello , I saw something in the help on this but no code what so ever. This is a feature of webdevelopment since 2006!! Ok Has anyone ever used this with webdev? I Need to add some servercode in phpo it would be like this header('Content-Type: text/event-stream'); header('Cache-Control: no-cache'); $time = date('r'); echo "data: The server timby Allard - WinDev Forum
Hi Create a popup screen. This is a cel that openens on top of the page you are in ( popupopen () opens it ) In this screen you can display error messaged but the invoice as well if all went fine of course. Thiis way you do it all in one page . well now Iam thinking about it you can even do it all in one page without popup window. Use a cel ==> on that selenable planes. In planeby Allard - WinDev Forum
Open it in a popup message cel ? regardsby Allard - WinDev Forum
Hi Anyone ever used the websockets feature ?? regardsby Allard - WinDev Forum
You can alighn to a column and you can even do it in a way that the controls follow the enlargement of the columns . Look at anchor of the controls and the achoring of columns in the table. I achure you it can be done ! regardsby Allard - WinDev Forum
Ok I see. if you work with databinding on tables it is just a setting otherwise there are coolhyperfile functions to do auto update on change. Look in the help. This is a hyperfile option out of the box regardsby Allard - WinDev Forum
Data is manipulated with a web or windev app ? And then the mobile app responds slowly ? Is that your question. Please profide more info on what you are using what db you are using etc etc. Otherwise I can onley guess regardsby Allard - WinDev Forum
From within windev webdev use pagedisplay( param1, param2 etc ) You can use what you thought of as well etc. If you have an awb or php webpage this will work just fine. Regardsby Allard - WinDev Forum
Hi Yes indeed. If you disable the toolbaar then it works but then you donnot have the editing stuff. So this is already sent to pc soft? As this is clearly a bug If you disable it partiallly I have found that the align left is not working align middle does work . Then the mous can select stuff regardsby Allard - WinDev Forum
1Yes Indeed hchangeconnection() can change you toan other server. 2 you could make a script that checks the connection first and then connects . If the connection is not a vaileble try an other connection so yes it is possible to connect to an other server if a server is off line 3 You can connect to an ip a domain a subdomein als long as it refers to valid address. ( you caby Allard - WinDev Forum
Yes it can be done donot use that control , brows the web and add it yourself There is a very cool way to add anything you need: Creation ==>Webcomponent ==> Other Then you can addsome javascript to get the cam and then it will display your cam . You then can save the picture. This is awesome. I made a barcode scanner on a website this way. * without a native app Regardby Allard - WinDev Forum
Hi How long would it normaly take to convert an hyperfile table to csv. ( I need to covert 1 mil rows nd it seems to take ages ) tabletotekst() is what I use Thanksby Allard - WinDev Forum
So Nobody has this with webdev 24 ?? Odd ??by Allard - WinDev Forum
Yes Create awp login as you sayby Allard - WinDev Forum
Hi When I added files I got them encripted. And When I tried to remove that It asked for a password?? This was never teh case in 23 ? Anyone an Idea what the pasword might be Regards Allardby Allard - WinDev Forum
How can we use fildisplay to create a pdf. PC Soft rep says to use filedisplay to create webdev php pdf reports ? Anyone ever done this Thanksby Allard - WinDev Forum
Hi, I saw webdev 24 now fully supports charts. Cool. It is possible to make reports as wel in a php project. However is it possible to print these reports as well ? Regards Renko Allard PS I Have the application server but for small things the php can be interesting. As it is possible to make something for someone with a little cheep hosting account. As long as mysql and php is sby Allard - WinDev Forum
Hi, No need to test . This thing works regardsby Allard - WinDev Forum
If I try to get a value from a website through a service I getr this Faoult on the content:type Code cMyRequest is httpRequest cMyResponse is httpResponse sL is string HTTPTimeOut( 1000 ) //IF HTTPRequest( "; ) THEN cMyRequest..URL = "; cMyResponse = HTTPSend( cMyRequest ) IF not ErrorOccurred THEN // IF cMyResponse..ContentType = "text/xml" THEby Allard - WX-Products: Reports of malfunctions & bugs
Hallo Vincent, Inherits from is your friend. regardsby Allard - WinDev Forum
Hi is it possible to add cristal reports reports toa windev application. we wnt to make reports with cristal and give the reports to the user via the application ( widev application ) regards Allardby Allard - WinDev Forum