Hello dbvl, There is a "WD Who is locking" example that may have some relevance to your query. I also have a vague recollection from years back that there was of a way to get the ip address of the PC that locked a record but I can't find any reference to that now. I think it only applied to HFSQL not Classic Regards Alby Al - WinDev Forum
Hello Andre, I hope that the new owners would bring a new perspective where developers are treated equally regardless of their native language and that the annual release of 999 sometimes half finished features is over. Regards Alby Al - WinDev Forum
Hello Marc This is the process to enable a smart card in windows 10 so maybe you can just reverse this process to disable it. Step 3: Configure Smart Card Service Go to the Windows Services to configure the Smart Card service. Press Win + R, type services.msc, and press Enter. Locate the "Smart Card" service, right-click it, and select "Properties." Set the "Sby Al - WinDev Forum
Hello Marc, You could try HFlush(filename) after an Add or Modify to force a flush of data to the hard disk. Regards Alby Al - WinDev Forum
Hello Huib, Thanks for the update, sorry for misleading. Regards Alby Al - WinDev Forum
Hello Mike, I am using V25 and it is just a tiny strip on the screen about 25 mm wide and from memory always has been that small size so it is interesting that it used to work ok for you. Regards Alby Al - WinDev Forum
Hello Mike, While there is technically a version WX290088m it is more usual on the forum to just nominate the base version V29 The code display is a version of the code window scroll bar in the code edit options. PCSoft probably got to 998 new features and were looking for 999. Hard to see how it would be of much use even if you could make it a reasonable size. Regards Alby Al - WinDev Forum
Hello Huib, The help for the ToastDisplay function has an example using Gpen which will change the text colour. // Customize the font used (gxxx functions) ToastDisplay(gFontBold() + gFont("Batang") + gFontSize(18) + ... gPen(LightYellow) + "My custom message", ... toastShort, vaBottom, haRight, DarkRed) Regards Alby Al - WinDev Forum
Hello Flavio, The site is ftp.pcsoft.fr Chrome & Firefox report the site as not secure so they won't open it The only way I could get to it was by using filezilla as an anonymous user. Regards Alby Al - WinDev Forum
Hello Stefan, Is it possible that the desktop app is returning a local date and time based on the 2019 virtual server region settings and the service is returning the raw UTC date and time from the Windows Time Service function. Regards Alby Al - WinDev Forum
Hello Alex, The users on remote sessions should not see any slowdowns, unless the server HD is slow or the server is over utilised. If the app is searching for a document to display, the location of the document relative to the exe location may also have an impact . Regards Alby Al - WinDev Forum
Hello Alex, It is difficult to answer because we don't know what is involved in the window open code or how the app is setup as to where the code is being executed from, where the app is located in relation to any data it may be gathering, is the local HD an SSD, is the server HD an SSD, is the server a real server or a VM etc. It sounds like from your phrase "running the app overby Al - WinDev Forum
Hello Steven, Firstly I would get the client to put up some cash to pay for the work involved in designing the system and then I would talk to AWS I have been using their EC2 servers with TSPlus to host most of my clients Windev apps for many years and they are extremely reliable. AWS have some truly amazing database products and server architectures ( including serverless) that are inby Al - WinDev Forum
Hello Steven, Not a lot of info to work with but, my first thought was why does whatever you build have to serve 100,000 companies ? Couldn't you design it to service 1,000 companies and then just duplicate it as the demand grows. This would give you the flexibility to house clients on a variety of back ends with different resources and geographic locations to suit small, mediby Al - WinDev Forum
Hello Michael, I don't use child windows that much, but I did some more testing and managed to duplicate your issue one one circumstance. If I open the main window, then open the child window and move the child window to any monitor, everything is fine. If however I move the main window onto monitor 2 or 3 and then move the child window on top of it, close both the child and main winby Al - WinDev Forum
Hello Michael, The problem must be local to you as it works for me with three monitors and for my clients who all have either large monitors or two or more monitors. The remembered details are linked to your user profile in the registry so it may be corrupt. Can you create another user on your system and see if the problem occurs for that user. I am working in V25. Regards Alby Al - WinDev Forum
Hello Peter, I am not sure if it exists in the latest PCSoft GPU type Groupware windows, but in the old GPW window set, the GPWConfigurationDetails window has a button option to copy the group configuration/rights The windows should be in the WINDEVnn\Programs\Data\Models\GPW\WD and the code might give you some ideas. Regards Alby Al - WinDev Forum
Hello Issah, I checked the help and the connector for MariaDB looks like V25 on The earliest link on the PCSoft site for MariaDB is Native MariaDB Connector for WINDEV and WEBDEV Native Connectors (Native Accesses)Available only with this kind of connection Overview WINDEV and WEBDEV 25 propose a Native Connector to MariaDB (also called module for Native Access). Thisby Al - WinDev Forum
Hello Markov, This is a re-write of a very old Foxpro procedure PROCEDURE PadLeft(LFldToPad = "",LPadChr = "0",LPadQty = 1) LFldToPad = NoSpace(LFldToPad) IF Length(LFldToPad) < LPadQty WHILE Length(LFldToPad) < LPadQty LFldToPad = LPadChr+LFldToPad END END RESULT LFldToPad Regards Alby Al - WinDev Forum
Hello Alex, You are correct about the help. This from the help section on "Limits": Windows opened simultaneously at runtime: Maximum number = Limit may vary according to the available memory and to the number of controls found in each window. Maximum number of controls per window = Greater than 5,000. This limit can be less depending on the operating system used. My main aby Al - WinDev Forum
Hello All, I have a web site collecting payroll information on phones as it is so much easier than using Mobile. My problem is that the process displays a hundred or so items in a combo box and users have to scroll through them to find the entry they want. Is there any way to do a search for data in a combo box when using a web program through a browser on a phone The combo box is sorteby Al - WinDev Forum
Hello Noel, Try commenting out the IprintReport() function. The three previous functions should then run and may indicate a problem. The iInitReportQuery() may not be returning any records for some reason. Regards Alby Al - WinDev Forum
Hello Noel, I would start out by putting a debug stop just before your code starts and then step through the code, checking all the variable values as you go. Regards Alby Al - WinDev Forum
Hello JP, The CommandLine() function can retrieve parameters nominated when the exe starts but you may find the using an ini file and INIRead() will give more flexibility. Regards Alby Al - WinDev Forum
Hello Sammy, You could try and disable Windows Defender in case it sees the app as a problem. You could also try to roll back the update Regards Alby Al - WinDev Forum
Hello Infos, I think the issue is that the OSK.exe has an OSKSupport.dll and the exerun() and shellexecute() commands can't load the dll. One option may be to create a shortcut to the osk.exe on the desktop and ask the user to click on it to open the keyboard. Another option is to find an alternate onscreen keyboard program. I downloaded one - Free Virtual Keyboard - and it workeby Al - WinDev Forum
Hello Mike, In V25 if you right click in the IDE window you can change the workspace colour. Regards Alby Al - WinDev Forum
Hello Graham, The user report writer is a complete developers copy of Windev locked to producing reports and queries. From memory, and this is some years ago now, the report writer exposed the project init code to the user which in my case exposed some info that they should not be aware of. I think it also exposes global and local variables. Regards Alby Al - WinDev Forum
Hello Yogi, Congratulations on finding a solution. I was thinking it was a printer driver issue and the "???" was what I expected to see as the output did not use the printer driver. Regards Alby Al - WinDev Forum
Hello Yogi. Does it come out ok as a PDF with the IParameterPDF(iPDFUnicode) option Is that screenshot from Windev print preview ? As far as I know, the preview uses the printer driver to create the screen image as a WYSIWYG process. Maybe load a different brand of printer and see if there is a difference. Setting the destination to IGenericPDF may reveal something as it doesn'by Al - WinDev Forum