Is there a working example available ? Thanks. Willy - WinDev Forum
I forgot to tell. I work with Windev Mobile Version 24. Not 2024 Greetings, Willy Willy - WinDev Forum
I have the assignment to read barcodes upon delivery for a portable hand scanner with Android and thus adjust the stock. I typed two linen of code: cBarcode is string = BCCapture() Info(cBarcode) When executing on an Android smartphone I get the following message: "The ZXing library is required to decode the barcodes" When I click on the download button I end up in the playby Willy - WinDev Forum
I have this error while compiling on PC 1. On another PC it works fine. It is Windev Mobile version 24. Not 2024 Failure creating the Android application named <C:\P\Projecten\Biljart\Biljartteller\Exe\Android application\Biljartteller.apk>. Command line: "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-10.0.2\bin\java.exe" -Duser.dir="C:\P\Projecten\Biljart\Biljartteller\Android\Gen&qby Willy - WinDev Forum
Could it be that there is something in the print buffer. I have this problem with one customer. Doesn't WinDev do an endprint when stopping the program? Greetings, Willy Hermansby Willy - WinDev Forum
I am in WinDev putting different projects with the same analysis in the SCM. The intention is that I also get the analysis separately in the SCM. Apparently Windev wants the analysis to be in a subfolder of the project. That means that if I can't manage different projects with the same analysis properly. If I add a table or field, I have to do that in all applications that use thatby Willy - WinDev Forum
Hello, After my upgrade from version 24 to 2024 the combo boxes don't work properly anymore. The initial input in the third language, "German" has disappeared. In the settings the initial is permanently gray and therefore not editable. Is this a setting. Thanks in advance. Hermans Willyby Willy - WinDev Forum
Hello, I have set up a replication server between 3 PCs. These must subsequently be placed at different addresses via VPN. It is easy to do between 2 PCs. Now I have made several unidirectional replications on the 3 PCs. (Solution I requested via AI) Seems to work at first glance, but when I create a record on PC 1, this is replicated twice to PC 2 and PC 3 Does anyone here have expby Willy - WinDev Forum
Thanks It works now. I've placed it at the start of the projectby Willy - WinDev Forum
Strange behavior when I send a print job to a ticket printer via a serial port. I open a port via sOpen(Port_E, 5000,5000), after which I send data via swrite(). Then I close the port again with sClose(Port_E) After the program starts, a dialog box will appear once. Then it works flawlessly until the program is restarted. Now there is one customer for whom that dialogue box keeps coming bacby Willy - WinDev Forum
SOLVED It was a stupid thing on my part. In the ini file I had made an exact copy of the email settings. However, it said on the server ! smtp... ! Password ! user ... SMTP... Password.. user I forgot the exclamation mark in the first mail settings. These were past values that I didn't want to throw away. Thank you very much for the effort you made. Willy Hermaby Willy - WinDev Forum
Hello, I use the other Willy - WinDev Forum
Hello, I try to send mails from a webdev site. This is the code. PROCEDURE ZendStdMail(pcBestemmeling,pcSubject,pcHtmlText) cMailText is string = HTMLToText(pcHtmlText) lTerug is boolean = False // Send an email cSMTPServer is string = INIRead(“MAILSETTINGS”,“smtpserver”,“”,fExeDir()+“\settings.ini”) cSMTPUser is string = INIRead(“MAILSETTINGS”,“smtpuser”,“”,fExeDir()+“\settinby Willy - WinDev Forum
Thanks, The main problem is solved. Just the updates have to be installed. I shal send a mail to Thanks. Willy Hermansby Willy - WinDev Forum
Hello, I had a serious accident and lost my development Laptop.I also lost several backups. Fortunately I have my software usbkeys and project backups. But I canot find the installation files from version 24. Does someone knows a way to download them Many thanks in advance. Willy Willy - WinDev Forum
I've used an extra invissible plane with models. Then I used control clone. It works fine. Thanks to you all. Greetings Willy - WinDev Forum
I have asked it also on chatgpt. This is the result. PROCEDURE CreateButtons() FOR i = 1 TO 24 // Maak een nieuwe knop aan BUTTON btnButton // Geef de knop een naam en positie btnButton.Caption = "Button " + i btnButton.X = 50 + (i-1) * 100 btnButton.Y = 50 // Wijs een actie toe aan de knopby Willy - WinDev Forum
I have to expand my POS system for restaurant and inn. For that I have to make a graphic table plan. The user must click on the touch screen on a table to select it. The tables are of course in a different place at the different customers. Customers often have an interior space and a terrace. I already have several images of tables ready. How can I get it at the correct positionby Willy - WinDev Forum
My windev mobile was working properly. Suddenly when adding minor things, there is an error creating the android app. I have this problem already with 2 apps. It has nothing to do with the small changes. The changes to the 2 apps are different. When I turn the changes back, the generation error remains This is the text of the error file Command line: "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-by Willy - WinDev Forum
The Sonoff Dual R3 Wi-FI Smart Switch is delivered. I've used this code ws_info is ANSI string = [ { "deviceid":"4022D8FEB724", "data":{} } ] i is int = 1 maReq is a httpRequest myRep is a httpResponse HttpVariant is a Variant EDIT_Dets = "" // WLanguage code used to call it by passing the parameter maReq..URL = &quoby Willy - WinDev Forum
Thanks in advance. This is already a long way for a beginner in home automation. I think I should order such Sonoff to test. Can the smart plug S26R2 be controlled in the same way? Is the deviceID easy to find. Is this the MAC address ??? I have used following code in WinDev. If I understand correctly, this should also work in WinDev. I have used a socket from HEMA. (The Sonoff has yet tby Willy - WinDev Forum
Hello, I've been searching for days but haven't found anything useful yet. Is there no command that I send to the ip address of a lamp or socket that turns it on. Can someone tell me in which direction I should start looking. I have several lamps here that I can operate with the voice commands of google assistant. But that's not what I need. A customer asks if I canby Willy - WinDev Forum
Dissolved. I recreated the data file in WinDev and linked it to the WinDev Mobile project. Apparently WinDev Mobile's WDModific has stopped working for me. I will probably have to reinstall WinDev Mobile. Thanks, Willy Willy - WinDev Forum
Hello, I am making a tool in Android. The installation goes fine, but the database is not synchronized on the tablet. Still work with WD 24. Can someone tell me how I can update de structures on the the tablet. I am not using ClientServer on the tablet. Thank you in advance. Willy Willy - WinDev Forum
I'll try this asap. I think it works also fine with the latest sockets, lamps that we use with Google Assistant. Thanks, Willy Willy - WinDev Forum
Hello, A customer asks me to expand his cash register software. He wants to be able to switch on certain devices, for example a lamp, for 30 minutes after the customer has paid for a service. Perhaps this can only be done through intelligent sockets. They have an IP address and WiFi. Maybe we can control this via commands from a WinDev program. Does anyone know the best way to handle tby Willy - WinDev Forum
Hello, I really wasn't planning on turning off the firewall. Hence my question here. I will try asap with these port settings. I suspect that it will indeed be that second port that makes the difference. Thank you in advance. Willy Willy - WinDev Forum
I already successfully use the replication server at several clients. This one works excellently. I do have two problems: 1) I have to turn off the firewall. Just opening that one port won't help. I probably need to open multiple ports. I do not know which. Probably only TCP ports. 2) I also want to use the replication server on my VPS. So in the cloud. So safety is even more importby Willy - WinDev Forum
Hello, I need to add a new type of scale to my POS checkout. This scale uses the CAS protocol. Does anyone have experience with this. Thanks in advance. Willy Willy - WinDev Forum
This is what I use // Parameters of the connection New_Connection..Provider = hAccessHFClientServer New_Connection..User = cUser New_Connection..Password = cPW New_Connection..Server = cServer //New_Connection..Server = "" New_Connection..Database = cDatabase New_Connection..CryptMethod = hCryptNo New_Connection..Access = hOReadWrite HOpenConnection(New_Cby Willy - WinDev Forum