The ACCESS_TOKEN will be in the variable MyToken and you can use to call the other endpoints. If you only need to get the information about the user (authentication) just seach the help for OpenIDIdentity (Variable type) You can inspect the IDToken content to see what is pao - WinDev Forum
Are you using TLS oe SSL to connect to the SMTP server? Search "smtp the target principal name is incorrect" and you will find some explanations. If it's some TLSor SSL problem with the certicate or the name/IP you are using in the connection you can try to use EmailConfigure(emailParameterMode, 1) before the EmailStartSMTPSessionby pao - WinDev Forum
Thanks Guenter, let's see what happens in the pao - WinDev Forum
It should be easy to implement. Don't forget that you must start by registering your application in the identification system you intend to use and extract the APP_ID and APP_SECRET from pao - WinDev Forum
We are using OPENID since WEBDEV18. We have developed it ourselves to use the google and microsoft login systems in our apps, it's easy to do and works well. As we had already developed we continue to use our solution instead of the specific commands for pao - WinDev Forum
Why the two lists of VENDOR_ID? PURCHASE_ORDER.VENDOR_ID IN ({pVendorIDList}) AND PURCHASE_ORDER.VENDOR_ID IN ({pNamesIDList})by pao - WinDev Forum
If you can connect to to the MS Azure SQL and to to HyperfileSQL in the same PC you can try using two connections and copy the data from one to the other. Something like this: wanalise=HListFile(hLstDetail+hLstAll+hLstSorted) wfile=ExtractString(wanalise,firstRank,CR) WHILE wfile <> EOT n_file+=1 itemList = HListItem(ExtractString(wfile,1),hLstDetail) item=ExtractString(itemLby pao - WinDev Forum
Your code looks strange, at least by the variable and file names. It looks like you are using the public key in the private key value (gMqttSession.PrivateKey = MyCert) and using the private key as the password (gMqttSession.PrivateKeyPassword = sPrivateKey )by pao - WinDev Forum
I don't know if ti helps but check the example WD Magnifier provided with WINDEVby pao - WinDev Forum
Under webdev only i don't know how to do it. You can use the cookie solution, one example is use one session cookie and one global variable to store some random information (for instance one GUID) and in every page check if thew value in the cookie is the same as you ahve in global varialbe. If not close the pao - WinDev Forum
Try with the NetMachineName functionby pao - WinDev Forum
this windows normally opens when you use some printing functions (iprint*) You can cancel it using iWindowCancel(False)by pao - WinDev Forum
If what yhou post here is one exact copy of your code you are missing one \ , try with C:\Windows\System32\osk.exe instead of C:Windows\System32\osk.exe or use only ExeRun("osk.exe")by pao - WinDev Forum
The only thing i have seen regarding this was in the LST 124by pao - WinDev Forum
Normally tihs is becuase the SQL SERVER instance is configured with force encryption=yes and the certificate used isn't from a trusted CA. Did you try to add the certificate or the CA uused to generate it to the trust ones or use "Trust Server Certificate=True" in the extended properties of the connection?by pao - WinDev Forum
What is the resuilt of the EmailStartSession function? If it's for sending emali why don't you use EmailStartSMTPSession ?by pao - WinDev Forum
Check this topic and the corresponding PCSOFT FAQ. Normally you can solve the dongle problems with the step proposed by pao - WinDev Forum
Arer you using or the other option?by pao - WinDev Forum
Are you accessing this computer using remote desktop or something like that?by pao - WinDev Forum
You can get the name of the column using the TableEnumColumn pao - WinDev Forum
Sometimes when the GO doesn't work or for instance the debug don't stop at the correct line the recompilation normally solves the pao - WinDev Forum
In the case of Portugal, 1. is eInvoicing a mandatory requirement in B2B, B2C, and B2G? Yes, at least B2G in January 2024 2. Do you have to use a 3rd party to send/receive eInvoices ? Or is there a government site/service where you can send the invoices and they are handled automatically? You have to use one 3rd party service, the government site is only for the public sector at this poiby pao - WinDev Forum
I don't know if it helps but try using PAGEUSE instead of PAGEDISPLAY when pao - WinDev Forum
In the webdev application server you can defnie tihs kind of things. You can change the text of the error message or choose one external HTML pao - WinDev Forum
You can use the FileDisplay pao - WinDev Forum
I never done it with Clickimage but i do lot of control duplications for table columns, input controls, ... From my experience it's easier to crete one control with the default values, properties,... and use CONTROLCLONE pao - WinDev Forum
Problem with code that runs without problems in Windev 22 but i doesn't run in Windev 27. If you don't use HTTPParameter(httpParameterMode,2) you can't get the authentication to work when the password have special chars and in WINDEV 27 it always returns errors. f someone have the same problem PCSOFT have one patch to correct the problem, just ask them for pao - WinDev Forum