It seems that I have more memory lapses these days. How do I get totals/counts for a browse table column to show on breaks? Thanks, Garryby gga - WinDev Forum
Does this only happen on 1 file? Is it a local file or a server file? If it is a server file then try Optimize and Repair on the server. if it is a local file then try Check the Memos with WDMap under the tools section. Garryby gga - WinDev Forum
No, I don't have any ChangeDir() in my gga - WinDev Forum
Strange, I've done this dozens of times before without problems. I develop in WinDev22 with local files then import them into HFSQL server. This time when my program changes the connection to HFCSConnection all of the files appear to be empty! What dumb thing have I missed? Thanks, Garryby gga - WinDev Forum
So, I decided to create a new report to replace my problem report... for the 4th time because every time I created it there was some different thing that wasn't working. Like when I had the report based on a filtered table I either got the whole table in the report or none,etc. First I made sure that there was no problem with my machine by running SFC /scannow, Chkdsk,etc. I also made sureby gga - WinDev Forum
This Report is driving me nuts... and it is a simple report in WinDev22 When I go to the Data Tab it first says <No Data Source> which I change to a Query of the Project and select the Query from the drop down list and the screen looks like this . File to print is empty and the options on the right are greyed out. If I click the Check Mark and go back into the Report Editor, the Data Souby gga - WinDev Forum
I think Pete Halstead has some examples of using Tailwind on Garryby gga - WinDev Forum
This should be simple but I can't find an answer for WinDev22. It's probably old age. I have a memory table displayed on the screen. I want to perform an action if the user double clicks some cell. I originally couldn't determine which cell the user was in but then I found TableInfoXY Now I want to retrieve the content of that cell but I'm stumped. Stumped no more! gnRoby gga - WinDev Forum
I guess I was trying to solve the wrong problem! There should be about 10 resources to the left of those shown. Garryby gga - WinDev Forum
Can anyone explain this? The scroll bar appears in design mode but disappears when I run the gga - WinDev Forum
I changed a '~=' to a '>= "" ' and everything works now!by gga - WinDev Forum
Hi Argus, Thanks for the attempt but I have no field called DEPOSIT and it doesn't matter what I put in EDT_Reference, I get the same result. Actually another instance of setting sTRFilter has started exhibiting the same behavior and I have been using this WD22 program for years! Isn't it strange that the value for sTrFilter shows properly in the debugger Expression Pane but is incorby gga - WinDev Forum
I have the following code in one of my programs (which is based on one of Glen Rathke's examples). IF EDT_Reference ~= "" THEN sTRFilter += "REFERENCE LIKE " +sTmpQuote +"%" +EDT_Reference +"%" + sTmpQuote +sAnd END When I run the program in the debugger with EDT_Reference = DEPOSIT and sTRFilter = "", it skips over the line beginning wiby gga - WinDev Forum
Hi, I have a client whose pictures were stored on a lan. Implementing a system to display them in my WinDev22 application was as simple as storing a link to their location but now the client wants to move those files to a DropBox folder and I am at a loss figuring out how to access them. I tried just storing a link (obtained from DropBox) but it just gives errors and fails and I believe the linkby gga - WinDev Forum
What about something like NO-IP ( to create a dynamic DNS to your local HFSQL server? I think it is even free for up to 3 IP addresses. Garryby gga - WinDev Forum
The LogIn Window is called in the Program Initialization so the WIN_Main has not opened yet. I had already tried the ExecuteProcess(WIN_Main, trInit) and it didn't work but putting all the init code in a Procedure and then calling it did work just fine. Thanks, Garryby gga - WinDev Forum
My WinDev22 Project has WIN_Main defined as the first Window The LogIn Window is opened in the Program Initialization So far, every thing works fine. However, the Win_Main menu has an option to Log Out which takes the User back to the LogIn Window When a subsequent user logs in I want to re-initialize Win_Main to refresh the controls since the Menu Options may be different for that user. I doby gga - WinDev Forum
I finally have to remote debug a WinDev22 application. I have only one copy of WDDebug.exe and it appears to be the 64bit version because despite its name, when I try to run it on the remote system it comes up with an error message saying "WDDebug64.exe must be used on a 64-bit operating system". How do I get a 32 bit version? Thanks, Garryby gga - WinDev Forum
It seemed rather complicated getting everything to work in both Edit and Add scenarios but I did come up with a solution which may not be very efficient but works. The tables involved are not very large so efficiency was not an important consideration. I created 3 ComboBoxes in the same position but on different planes and selected the pane when the user enters that control based on the contentsby gga - WinDev Forum
I an using WinDev 22 and I have a design problem which I will try to describe. I want to have 2 ComboBoxes on an Edit Screen where the contents of the 2nd box depends on the content of the first. The first is no problem: it is linked to a table which describes a type of component 1.Glass, 2. Resin, 3.Labour (and there might be more) The contents of the 2nd Combobox will be based on either a Glby gga - WinDev Forum
I would also recommend Glenn Rathke's training materials ( They are not free but very valuable for getting up to speed: I figure that they paid for themselves in 1 week of use. Garry PS and Glenn's support is stellar!by gga - WinDev Forum
Thanks for the hint. The problem occurred because of some code I pasted in from another program. Sloppy! Garryby gga - WinDev Forum
I just finished installing a WinDev 22 app remotely; the first time I've done this in a long time. The server installed with no problems. I then moved the data files into a newly created Database by importing from an HFSQL classic database using the HFSQL Control Center. So far, so good. I can see all the data files and their content in the Control Center but when I run my app it shows allby gga - WinDev Forum
This is pretty weird but I can't seem to create Control Templates in either WinDev 20 or 22. If I use New\Control Template and put a couple of buttons on it and save it no icon shows up in the Project Explorer for Variables for it; only Controls and Local Procedures and if I right click the TPCL_xxx and select Code I am only shown the code for the 2nd button that I created. Exactly the samby gga - WinDev Forum
Thanks for your input. I checked out and noticed the following: The Linux applications developed with WINDEV operate on the devices equipped with an Intel processor or with a processor compatible with Intel (the ARM processors are not supported). I think the Raspberry Pi has an ARM processor. Garryby gga - WinDev Forum
I was considering these for inexpensive data entry stations. I think the Raspian OS is a form of Linux. Does that mean that WINDEV Linux compiled programs will likely run on them? ( I would ask PCSoft but they only seem to reply if you have an active support contract.) Garryby gga - WinDev Forum
I am about to tackle a new WinDev project which involves scanning Bar Codes. I have done this in the past but it was a very long time ago and it was not using WinDev. At that time most Bar Code Scanners were serial devices but I see that now many are USB or Bluetooth. A cursory look at the WinDev Help file seems to indicate that it supports serial devices but I would prefer cordless readers. I hby gga - WinDev Forum
What happens if you print the report as a PDF to save for historical purposes? Garryby gga - WinDev Forum
Simple question I would think but I don't have any Windev experience with mapping. I have to add longitude/latitude fields to an HFSQL file. The purpose is only to aid in uniquely identifying a location (in this case the name of a lake since there are many duplicate lake names in the file). What is the best way to set this up? Garry winDev22by gga - WinDev Forum
HModifyStructure(<Logical Name of Data File>: Character string (with or without quotes) Name of data file (defined in the analysis) whose structure must be updated. If this parameter is equal to "*", the automatic data modification will be applied to all the known data files (described in the analysis). This parameter can also correspond to the name of a group of data filesby gga - WinDev Forum