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Can I do this using webdev

Posted by ccc2 
Can I do this using webdev
November 25, 2024 09:52AM
Hi ,

This app develop using javascript SPA, MDI .
Can I do this using webdev ? I know I can be done using windev but windev cannot compile to javascript
Re: Can I do this using webdev
November 25, 2024 10:41AM

I post this 8 years ago and I also email PCSOFT but no reply. webdev only recent years support SPA.

I code using nodepad and there are no visual tool (UI handcode) , no server script like asp or php .
database access through ajax request to webservice

8 years ago I using it on small project , using nodepad is ok but now I have to do big project (200 tables) using visual studio code is crazy .
this is like back to c++ code without visual tools.

any suggestion ?
Re: Can I do this using webdev
November 26, 2024 10:00AM

I guess no luck. the table and form alone 1300++ lines. the part that I do loading data , new, update , delete , save less than 200 lines .

I don't think I can wait another 10 years for pcs . at that time I will be 6 feet under.

if PCS can add to windev compile to javascript. the program i made will look same on windows and webpage
Re: Can I do this using webdev
November 26, 2024 05:36PM
I'm not sure I understand the question...

Your video show something that looks like a very basic application

So of course you can do that in webdev...

Now if you want to know if you can achieve the EXACT same look and feel, probably not... But a regular applications with tables and forms is a big yes
Re: Can I do this using webdev
January 04, 2025 12:06AM

Well I think I canmake it exactly look like this cool smiley. But why would you want that ???


login screen . I can make that exact the same . Just a popup that loads with the main apage and the main page is grayed out. Popup is shown when not logged in.

Few lines of code to make this all hannen less then 50 estimate
Then login of the user / new user / check password etc 30 lines of code

main screen had a mdi like feature. OK No problem sutch a menu on top. all Items can be dynamic if need be If Not then just use the menu builder in webdev .No coding required

Open a window. No problem use a popup window for that. This can me moved arround if need be . Bigger to full screen etc if need be Litle to no code

Table with tabs adding deleteing in an ajax kind of way. easily done few lines of code . Or binding to a datafile or if you like OO bind to mapping or what ever your preferance is .

Search is just a view lines of code depends on how you fill the table

Filling a form with a table row .Just a view lines of code save button etc save just a few lines depends on how you like to work. If just code behind then itis like 3 lines

Warning an confirmation on delete . One line of code Just make a popup with the text enthe buttons

Ok I hope this explination is helpfull. All things that is inthat video I can make in like 2 hours incl making the needed backend database to store and get the data testing and of course drinking coffeesmiling smiley.This is very basic stuff for webdev.No need for javascript . Just vidial design and a bit of w-language code on the browser and on the server side. ( Ajax works out of the box )

To fillup the day you can easily add the ability for a user ask for password when he has lost his password , that will then be sent to his email address ( prob 30 lines of code ) or for instance login with google of facbook account.

Re: Can I do this using webdev
January 04, 2025 10:21AM
Hi, and happy new year to all.

I think ccc2 is asking for a way to "embed" multiple windows (desktop-type windows) inside a browser app - a WEB MDI architecture
It is different from the single-page "paradigm", which is the de facto standard on web apps.
I have seen these types of apps developed with Java and the electron javascript framework, but I don't think that PCSoft is going to deliver something like this in our "lifetime" !!!

* Since we are talking about business apps and your users are a maximum of 50, I would recommend Tsplus: run your Windev apps on the web.

Steven Sitas
Re: Can I do this using webdev
January 04, 2025 07:59PM

Well he wants a MDI like behaviour. With popup windows you can get that looks and behaviour prety mutch spot on. Yo could open a new browser window as well and instruct it to be a window with no url input and stuff . But then when doing a max it wil not be "Inside" in the window with the menu. A popup window wil be so .With styling a popup window can look as he has hes screen.

So I do not see the isseu. You want it but not in a single page window . But it needs behaviour of a MDI ( Singe master page )? By the way you can load in internal pages in one single page popup as So It is not like you would have to create numerous popup windows to get this .

I think the result counts not they way you do it right ?
smiling smiley
Re: Can I do this using webdev
January 04, 2025 09:14PM

I did something in webdev a few years ago so if you can give you an idea



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/04/2025 09:29PM by infos.
Re: Can I do this using webdev
January 05, 2025 01:17AM
Nice looking application !!

why do you use php modus ? I have used php modus in the past but wordking with the application server works way way better .


Renko Allard
Re: Can I do this using webdev
January 05, 2025 04:58PM
Hi infos (or Jerko ?),

This is a beautiful web app, and I like the "clean and simple interface."

Steven Sitas
Re: Can I do this using webdev
January 05, 2025 08:47PM
Renko and Steven, thank you very much for the praise

Renko, I use php because my php server is much cheaper than a server with hfsql database. If it's a serious project, I'll be able to buy a server with an HFSQL database. spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

By the way, this application was planned in the interaction of the clinic (practice) - client. Clients would order their appointment online through the app, and on the other hand, medics manage their jobs and orders through the app

If you are interested in commercializing this application, you can contact us at infos.pilot@gmail.com

Jerko Penava


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/05/2025 08:49PM by infos.

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