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Schedule A Backup of the HFSQL server cannot be executed if it is not on the same computer.

Posted by Sead Grbesic 
I have a problem using the "Schedule a Backup" option in the HFSQL Control Center. This option only works on the local computer including external HDD or USB sticks. When the automatic backup is adjusted, in a specific folder on the local disc including an external HDD or USB stick, this option create (if not allready exist) folder for the current year, current month, current day, the time of backup and the last in that folder creates a zip file (assumption to use compression when creating backup). All the above works properly only on the same computer on which HFSQL itself is installed. If any other computer in the local network or VPN network, HFSQL "Schedule a Backup" returns "Error Code: 70152" for the location of the backup. I would like to make a backup on another computer inside the local network or on the cloud, ie out of the same computer where the HFSQL Server is installed and its Control Center.
If someone has experience with the same problem and of course if he solved him, I would be grateful if he helped me.

Best regards.
Not sure but it looks like the following:

HFSQL works on a server through two SERVICES: hfsql and Manta

By default, these services are probably executed but the user 'system' (check the xact name in the services itself), and system by default, does not have rights on network access, for security reasons...

So, if I'm correct, the solution is either to add this permission to the system user, or to use a different user, one with network access permissions, to run hfsql and manta

I have theoption to make a back up and save it where ever you want. Is that sufficient? Or do you want to make a backup on an other computer . I think if the latter is the cas you could install the hfsql on a server . Then There should not be an issue. Then every computer in the nework cn acces the hyperfile cs and Would be abe to make a back up and save it on that computer or somewhere else on the lan.

Renko Allard

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