Iam happy to say I got myself a new strato server. Nice. more mem more cores more speed
Installing super !! Webdev app sderver install just click click and ready for business .I evengot the app store installed and telemetry .
Still strange when useing the brave browser I still get the french site .With google chrome english is the language . So that is ok .
Hostign PC soft ==> power user
I had a look at the pc soft hosting As I need possibly big capacity and eventhough that would cost it would be fair . as when needed I would have income on my web app as well. I just wanted to see how mutch it can scale up.
Interresting It can only scale to a big vps ==> 16 core with 32 inten mem. So What if i need to run3000 simultanus users ? Well then pc soft
hosting is not an option.
Strange right.I thought they would at least give me a cloud where scaling would be possible So I would know That the cloud side of things would not be my issue. Nope It is just as powewrfull as the bigest strato VPS and that is way way way cheeper.
And I can have more then one of these Of cource with the hassel of doing this myself.
These are just my findings. It is my opinion i would be glad to hear what someone else has tosay on this , if that person disagrees with my analyse