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public store

Posted by Allard 
public store
May 03, 2024 10:30PM

Anyone know how to get that private / public store website wordking.?

I have it inslaaed and I can run it

But inwindev , when creating version for this it askes for a user name and password. ==> Where do I get this username and password???

Re: public store
May 04, 2024 10:07PM
So nobody is using this new feature ?

Really ?
Re: public store
July 09, 2024 07:54AM
Hi Allard

I'm going to be looking at using the feature in a new project. Did you end up getting it working?

Leonado Bidi
Re: public store
August 02, 2024 09:26PM
Hi, I am using the store for over 2 years.

Can I help you ??
Re: public store
August 03, 2024 05:19PM

Been using what used to be called MDM store for many years. They now call it public store. Works exceptionally well. Only used it for iOS and Android.

Re: public store
August 29, 2024 11:54AM
I got the site working but I can not get any apps into the store since the windev installation wizzard wants a user and password. I do not know what that is . Should be the same as the windows user when installing the application server I guess?

Iam going to use a new strato VPS ( More capacity ) ThenI have to install the app server again as well I hope I canget it right then. As now I do upgrade the application server and then no password is needed .Huh frustrating

Renko Allard
Re: public store
September 20, 2024 04:02PM
I got the store working now.

Got myself a power vps ( strato vps ) . Dit the install and noticed the user and passwords. well It works now on chrome browser , blaze browser still sets all in french language ?? . But chrome is the main browser so fine with me.

Installing app server was a blast .verry easy . It took like half an hour including install new windows and downloadeing and install the new app server an hyperfile sql .And it works great!!
Re: public store
September 20, 2024 04:28PM

I also am interested in the public store. Have not looked at any documentation as too busy with app development. Would appreciate any tips and tricks you and others could share to ease the learning curve smiling smiley


Re: public store
September 20, 2024 07:00PM
Hello JP

Well it is straid forward. That is when using strato ( strato.nl). But , in my opinion, strato is very good service, complete control over your VPS !! And it gives a lot for a good price.

So just install windows server ( in my case. I do not have any experiance with linux ) linux could potentially give you a lot more power on your hosted application . But I need to run other stuff so I need a windows box . That make everything very easy smiling smiley

So then download webdev app server . You can select the latest update . No need to download all these 2024 things and update to latest version.
Make sure you do this a user with admin irights

Ok then run the installer and select the windows user ( that is what I did , you can create here other users as well as it seems, I have not done that, so I do not know if that works!! )
Then follow instructions.of the install program Select what you want. I selected the server for telemetry and the app store and did a normal install for the other options
At some point in time it wants you to add a password etc for the WDBaaS store. You need to make notes on what you are creating as retrieving these is difficult. I found that you can open the protected database and then see what your users are . ( passwords not though, they are stored as encripted strings )

Well that is it . Test the site . It will work.

regards and good luck

Renko Allard


There are some things with ssl ( https) beter create a https key first . But you can change this later on as well.

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