Download Multiple Files in WebDev 28
October 17, 2023 05:37PM
I have an array of several files I want to download from the server to the client/browser.

I have a button on the page which calls a procedure which loops through the array and executes a FileDisplay to download the file.

I do this method to download single files and it works well.

However, in my multiple download loop it only downloads one file and stops. I'm guessing this is something to do with the fact that FileDisplay requires the procedure call to be non-Ajax and once it executes it stops anything else from executing.

Any suggestions?
Re: Download Multiple Files in WebDev 28
October 18, 2023 07:36AM
Got this working by creating a browser synchronised array of files to download, calling a timer procedure every second that "loops" through the array and calls a button with server code that does a FileDisplay. Fiddly but it works!

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