Replication server. Firewall and VPS
February 04, 2023 09:12AM
I already successfully use the replication server at several clients. This one works excellently.

I do have two problems:

1) I have to turn off the firewall. Just opening that one port won't help. I probably need to open multiple ports. I do not know which. Probably only TCP ports.

2) I also want to use the replication server on my VPS. So in the cloud. So safety is even more important there.
Is it possible to put the replication server on a VPS so that I have a local copy of the data AND a copy in the cloud that I can access via an app on my smartphone.

Thank you in advance.
Willy Hermans
Re: Replication server. Firewall and VPS
February 05, 2023 07:07PM
Hi Willy,

you do not need to turn off the firewall - and If you do 100 years in hell close to the fire are not enough smiling smiley

You need to open 4900 and 4996 and it should work.
For security reasons I wouldrecommend using a VPN.
If you do not want to use a VPN I would configure the firewall of both servers to acept only traffic of the other from their IP.
So: inhouse Server is IP 1
Remote Serber IP 2

Remote server has open ports 4996 and 4990 and these ports only accept traffic from IP 1
Inhouse server has open ports 4996 and 4900 and these ports only accept traffic from IP 2

Take care of proper firewall config!

This might cause a huge security risk.



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/05/2023 07:08PM by stefan.kern.
Re: Replication server. Firewall and VPS
February 07, 2023 09:46AM

I really wasn't planning on turning off the firewall. Hence my question here.

I will try asap with these port settings. I suspect that it will indeed be that second port that makes the difference.

Thank you in advance.

Willy Hermans.

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