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Problem Deploying Webdev Application

Posted by AndyD 
Problem Deploying Webdev Application
April 03, 2008 10:53AM

I have troubles with deploying a webdev application to our webdev application server. The Application Server itself is installed on Linux and is configured as described in the handbooks (i can login to the administration-panel).

If i try to deploy a small Application to this Server I always get the Error "ERRFTP FINCGI". I tried already setting the permissions for my deploying user to the Usergroup of the Application Server but the problem still remains sad smiley

Do you have a hints for me where i can find more about this error, because the message itself is not really helpfull..

Thank you

Best regards
paul price
Re: Problem Deploying Webdev Application
April 03, 2008 04:56PM
Hi Andreas:

I've been working through this myself, and have still not solved all the issues.
I'm using Fedora Core 8, so your specifics may be a bit different.

1 - Make sure the FTP server is working correctly. I'm using vsftpd and WinSCP for ftp on windows. You should be able to transfer a file manually. Your router and the linux firewall ports need to be open. Don't forget to set up security.

2 - SE Linux needs to be set to permissive mode. Permissive mode allows everything, but writes all violations to it's logs. I'm still working to be able to reenable SE.

3 - Make sure you've configured your account correctly. In the remote administrator, add an account (eg. myacct) and set the directories.
- FTP Transfer directory = /home/myacct
- Site base directory = /home/myacct/app
- Database directory = /home/myacct/data
You have to set these directories up manually after creating the account. The permissions seem to be the big issue here. I added the myacct user to the webdevadmin11 group. I used to WebDev log file to work through these problems.

4 - The next big stumbling block for me after I worked out the FTP transfer was "cannot write to the registry". This turns out to be permissions in /etc/PC SOFT/WEBDEV/11.0/Applications when writing to mysite.conf.

The only way around this one that I can figure out, is to set the Applications directory permissions to drwxrws--x with user and group apache. If you don't set user permission to s, WebDev writes the configuration file with root permissions and then the installer can't access it!

Hope this helps,
Roger Dunk
Re: Problem Deploying Webdev Application
April 04, 2008 12:42AM
As you've discovered, following the PC Soft instructions is unfortunately not sufficient to get the WebDev app server for Linux up and running. I have sent them previously a list of other "things" that need to be done. Whether they will take notice is another matter.

Having said that, getting it installed is not the biggest problem as far as I'm concerned. The limited support for WebDev functionality /is/! No PDF support! What were they thinking?!?

Re: Problem Deploying Webdev Application
April 04, 2008 12:05PM
Hi Paul,

Thanks for your help. I checked your hints, but the problem resists. Enclosed you will find the entries in the Logfile, but this has also no real value for resolving the problem sad smiley


04/04/2008 11:57:39 WDINSTALLE On ouvre les fichiers HF dans : /usr/local/WebDev/11.0/WDAdminWeb/
04/04/2008 11:57:39 WDINSTALLE Ouverture des fichiers HF réussie
04/04/2008 11:57:39 WDINSTALLE Fonction = PASSINST
04/04/2008 11:57:39 WDINSTALLE Validation du mot de passe du compte WebDev ADOLLESCHAL avec le fichier 5346.tmp
04/04/2008 11:57:39 WDINSTALLE Validation du mot de passe du compte WebDev :ADOLLESCHAL
04/04/2008 11:57:39 WDINSTALLE Fichier de validation :5346.tmp
04/04/2008 11:57:39 WDINSTALLE Répertoire FTP utilisé :/home/adolleschal/ftp_webdev\
04/04/2008 11:57:39 WDINSTALLE Echec de l'ouverture du fichier
04/04/2008 11:57:39 WDINSTALLE ERRFTP

04/04/2008 11:57:39 WDINSTALLE FINCGI

04/04/2008 11:57:39 WDINSTALLE Fin de WWINSTALLE


I think the problem is related to permisisons, but i do not see where the problem is.

I created a new user on the System and added them to the group webdevadmin11. After that this is user is able to enter the directory ftp_webdev and list (and view) those *.tmp files which hold the password (just guessing). Could it be that apache needs also access to the home directory, because the cgi-script is trying to get those *.tmp files?

Any more hints?

Best regards
paul price
Re: Problem Deploying Webdev Application
April 04, 2008 02:13PM
Hi Andreas:

I checked back in wdinstalle.log and what you post is identical to my first iterations.

I checked the group permissions, and I did add webdevadmin11, and "myacct" users to the apache group. Also "myacct" was added to the users group, probably by the installer (at least I don't recall adding it).

Adding these two users to the apache group is certainly not what we want to end up with though...

Re: Problem Deploying Webdev Application
April 04, 2008 03:41PM
Hi Paul,

Adding the webdevadmin11 user to the apache-group solved the problem - many thanks. Now i got the next problem sad smiley

Sending the setup program to the server
Connecting to the FTP server
Sending the file
Sending successfully completed
Running the remote setup engine
This operation may take a few minutes
Please wait...
Vérification de l'identité
Recherche d'un site existant
Impossible d'acquérir les priviléges, le fichier n'existe pas : /home/adolleschal/ftp_webdev\MYTEST.ZIP
Impossible d'acquérir les priviléges, le fichier n'existe pas : /home/adolleschal/ftp_webdev\MYTEST.ZIP
Error during setup.

Seems to be the next permission problem.

Best regards
Re: Problem Deploying Webdev Application
April 04, 2008 04:46PM
Got it working. Now i have a few issues with case-sensitive path and images. Is there anywhere a setting where i can tell WinDEV to lower all pathnames and imagesnames?

Many thanks for your help.

Best regards

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/04/2008 05:27PM by A. Dolleschal.
paul price
Re: Problem Deploying Webdev Application
April 04, 2008 05:58PM
>Is there anywhere a setting where i can tell WinDEV to lower all pathnames and image names?

Not that I know of yet.

Just for others following this thread - was the problem with the group/owner permissions in the home directory? I've got them all set to group=webdevadmin11 with directory rights set to drwxrwx--x (same for app,data, and ftp_webdev).

I wish I had seen this thread when I was going through this the first time <grin>.
Linux is a great platform to run this on, and it's well worth the effort, in my opinion...

Re: Problem Deploying Webdev Application
April 04, 2008 06:07PM
Hi Paul,

Yes, i had to set the group for /home/[username]/ftp_webdev, /home/[username]/app and /home/[username]/data to webdevadmin11.

Then i made a chown g+rw to this directories. Additional i had to add the User webdevadmin11 to the Apache Group.

Also i had to change permissions for /etc/PC SOFT/WEBDEV/11.0/Applications to user.group of Apache.

After all this changes the deployment worked without any further error messages.

Best regards

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